Message from the Director

2020年05月26日 お知らせ 全学

May 26, 2020


Message from the Director


 The year of 2020 started with unusual situation influenced by novel virus (COVID-19). The Japanese government once issued an emergency declaration, which requested us to avoid unnecessary outings and keep social distancing, although in accordance with decrease of the number of new patients, the government lifted off the state of emergency from all prefectures on May 25. Now, it is the time to resume University activities while taking care of our health.

 Avoiding closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings still are recommended. Refrains are just meaning to prevent infection between persons. It expected that coronavirus infection once become lull, and that spread again from this autumn when the temperature become lower. Please note COVID-19 has not been disappeared.

 The number of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection has diminished to 2,287 cases in Japan, including four patients in Yamanashi yesterday. The number of infected patient per 10,000 people is 1.31 in Japan, definitely low in comparison with most other countries. Japan’s high standards of personal hygiene may contribute it.

 University of Yamanashi has served various important notices on COVID-19 situation for our students as well as faculty members. Note that there are instructions stricter than the rules by the national or prefectural governments. For the latest information, please see CNS and University website frequently. To avoid misinformation and fake news, obtain the information about the infection from reliable sources.


TAKEDA, Masayuki, MD, PhD

Vice President, University of Yamanashi