About novel coronavirus infection: Current status

2020年05月18日 お知らせ 全学

May 18, 2020


About novel coronavirus infection: Current status


1.On May 14, the government has called off its emergency declaration in 39 prefectures including Yamanashi, but the other 8 prefectures such as Hokkaido, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo will remain under the state of emergency. The government also disclosed the criteria for lifting the state of emergency: if the number of the new patients staying at under 0.5 per 100,000 people for 7 consecutive days, and other considerations.  https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/98_abe/actions/202005/14corona.html

2.At the same time, the government unveiled the revised version of the basic policy to prevent the spread of novel   coronavirus infection. The revised policy reminds the public to maintain social distancing and wear masks, refrain moving to/from the 8 restricted prefectures, avoid visiting the areas with high risks such as the places where the COVID-19 cluster has occurred. Also, the rule of 3Cs: avoid closed, crowded and close-range conversations will remain as an important practice.https://corona.go.jp/expert-meeting/pdf/kihon_h_0514.pdf

3.On the same day, Yamanashi prefectural government has lifted prefectural emergency declaration, but the residents are still required to act appropriately to prevent infection and maintain our health.  https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/koucho/info_coronavirus.html

4.University of Yamanashi has served various important notices on COVID-19 situation for our students as well as faculty members. Note that there are instructions stricter than the rules by the national or prefectural governments. For the latest information, please see CNS and University website frequently. To avoid misinformation and fake news, obtain the information about COVID-19 from reliable sources.https://www.yamanashi.ac.jp/25101


Health care center, University of Yamanashi

                                                        Correspondence: health@yamanashi.ac.jp